Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Company Law Question Solution Essay

QUESTION Ramrajee Baboo is a young attorney with a Master’s Degree in Corporate Law, specialising in project financing documentation. Ramrajee has been appointed to the Board of UDECOTT as it moves forward in a new program based on project financing for its new proposed constructions. UDECOTT is a state enterprise and Ramrajee is paid a stipend of $3,000.00 per month. UDECOTT had previously engaged the services of a general commercial law practitioner, Buji Bamee, to provide legal advice at a cost of $50,000.00 per month. Unknown to Ramrajee, the Chairman of the Board in an informal meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of UDECOTT agreed to terminate the contract of the consultant and have Ramrajee vet the project financing documents in her capacity as a director. Ramrajee was never informed of this decision. Two weeks prior to a board meeting, Ramrajee received board papers including certain project financing contracts for discussion at the next board meeting (scheduled to take place two weeks later). Ramrajee perused the papers cursorily and made certain brief notes. At the board meeting the documents were discussed and Ramrajee made certain general observations. The agreements were subsequently executed. It later transpired that the documents were not properly vetted and UDECOTT suffered a 10 million dollar loss. The agreements were not examined by any attorney other than Ramrajee. The government minister responsible for UDECOTT is quite annoyed and would like someone to be held liable. The Chairman said he relied on Ramrajee to vet the documents but Ramrajee has stated that her duty is that of a general review and would have needed detailed legal analysis beyond what is contemplated by her role as a director to uncover the deficiencies in the documents that occurred. Advise the Minister as to the conduct of Ramrajee. ANSWER ISSUE: Did Ramrajee exercise the level of skill required of her as director? LAW: Directors’ behaviour in office is governed by statutory and common law. Directors hold a fiduciary responsibility to the company for which they work which requires them to properly manage the assets of the company within the powers conferred on them. Under statute, according to section 60(b) of the Companies Act of Trinidad and Tobago, a director shall â€Å"direct the management of the business and the affairs of the company†. In effecting this management, he must do so in accordance with section 99(1) of the said Act which states that a director and officer of a company shall in exercising his powers and discharging his duties: a) Act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interest of the company; and b) Exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. These are all to be done in the best interest of the company. Where directors act in accordance with section 99, they may be indemnified against any liabilities incurred as a result of holding such a position pursuant to section 101. Under common law, the director owes a fiduciary duty to the company, as found in Pardy v Dobbin NFCA 11 (CanII), which â€Å"exacts from directors a strict ethic to act honestly and in good faith in the corporation’s best interest†. ANALYSIS: As a director of the board, Ramrajee owed a very specific duty of care towards the company. In particular, she was expected to exercise diligence and a level of skill that reflected her qualifications, as found in section 99(1)(b). While Ramrajee was unaware of the informal decision to terminate the consultant who was hired to perform general commercial law activities, the mere fact that Ramrajee was a member of the Board and had specialized skills in project financing documentation means that it would be expected that she use these skills. Moreover, the highly-paid consultant was a general practitioner and did not have this specialized skill. In addition, she was given two weeks to review the documents during which time she could have scrutinized them, but she did not. Her duties under statutory and common law required her to review the documents carefully. She did not exercise the level of care and skill required by her fiduciary position which was not in the best interest of the Company. As she breached section 99 of the Companies Act, as well as her common law fiduciary duties, she should be held liable and will not be indemnified by the company under section 101 for the loss sustained. RECOMMENDATION: Minister, she is in breach of her statutory and common law duties and should be held liable.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Asperger Syndrome 3

Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder and is considered a high functioning form of Autism. Autism spectrum disorders are also known as pervasive developmental disorders and can affect social skills and communication. Asperger syndrome can also delay the development of motor skills and cause sensory problems. While there is no cure for Asperger syndrome, there are treatments to help teach the skills affected by Asperger to patients to help them cope with the disorder. Research is currently being conducted to find the causes of Asperger syndrome and other effective treatment methods. The symptoms of Asperger syndrome are caused by delays in several areas of development such as social skills, communication skills, motor skills, and language skills. Patients with Asperger syndrome can become over-focused on a single topic or object and will want to know everything about the topic and will talk very little about anything else. Their areas of interest may be extremely narrow and they will often rattle off facts about their topic of interest with no conclusion or connection to conversation (Asperger Syndrome-PubMed Health). Asperger patients also exhibit social awkwardness and have trouble forming relationships. Eye contact, use of facial expressions, and body language are impaired in patients and can inhibit regulation of social interaction. Patients may also lack emotional empathy and the ability to recognize social cues (OASIS @ MAAP – What Is Asperger Syndrome? . Speech may have a lack of rhythm, odd inflection, or a monotone pitch in patients with Asperger syndrome. They may also lack the control to match the volume of their voice to their surroundings (Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet). Asperger syndrome patients may show delays in motor development and exhibit unusual physical behaviors such as repetitive arm flapping, twisting, or other whole body movements (Asperger Syndrome – PubMed Healt h). Asperger syndrome is very difficult to diagnose. People with Asperger syndrome often function very well in everyday life, so the signs and symptoms exhibited are often just recognized as â€Å"quirks† or a way of just being different. If a child exhibits any symptoms of Asperger syndrome, it is extremely important to seek the help of a doctor and they will refer you to a mental health professional or a specialist for further evaluation. A â€Å"psychological exam† will be performed to compile a history of when the symptoms first apeared, the development of motor skills and language patterns, and other aspects of behavior and ersonality. The earlier an evaluation is conducted, the sooner treatments can be started to improve a child’s development with Asperger syndrome (Asperger Syndrome). Asperger syndrome has no cure, but with treatments and medications, many children with Asperger syndrome grow into well-developed, productive adults. The majority of diagnosed children benefit from specialized treatments that f ocus on social skills training and behavior management. Some of these treatments include communication and social skills training and cognitive behavioral therapy. There are no medications that specifically treat Asperger syndrome, but there are some medications that can help improve symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity including Aripiprazole, Guanfacine, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Risperidone, Olanzapine, and Naltrexone (Staff, Mayo Clinic). Parent training is also helpful in continuing treatment at home and teaches parents techniques to be used at home to better their child’s development (Asperger Syndrome – PubMed Health). Research is currently being conducted to understand the causes of Asperger syndrome and to find more effective treatments. A study is currently being conducted using functional magnetic resonance imaging to show how abnormalities in particular areas of the brain can cause the symptoms of Asperger syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. There is also a large-scale study comparing neuropsychological and psychiatric assessments of children with possible diagnoses of Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism to those of their parents and sibling to try to identify any patterns of symptoms that link Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism to any specific neuropsychological profiles. A long-rang international study conducted by a collection of scientists from universities, academic centers, and institutions from around the world to collect and analyze DNA sample from children with Asperger syndrome and high-function autism, along with their families, to identify associated genes and how they interact. This study is better known as the Autism Genome Project and functions as a repository for genetic data so that researchers can try to find the genetic â€Å"building blocks† of Asperger syndrome an autism spectrum disorders (Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet). Asperger syndrome is a high-functioning form of autism and is considered an autism spectrum disorder. It delays the development of many areas such as communication and social skills. Even though there is no cure for Asperger syndrome, with the right treatments and medications, most children with a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome and their families learn to cope with the symptoms of this disorder. Many adults with Asperger syndrome can develop to be happy, well-functioning, and productive adults with successful mainstream jobs and lead fulfilling independent lives with the right kind of treatment plans and support available to them. Works Cited â€Å"Asperger Syndrome – PubMed Health. † Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . â€Å"Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet. † National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . â€Å"Asperger Syndrome. † KidsHealth – the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . â€Å"OASIS @ MAAP – What Is Asperger Syndrome? † OASIS @ MAAP – The Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support Center. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . Staff, Mayo Clinic. â€Å"Asperger's Syndrome – MayoClinic. com. † Mayo Clinic. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethical Behavior in the Business World Essay

In the business world there is no place for dishonesty, arrogance or greed. People have to be held accountable; they are responsible for upholding ethical business practices. The old adage â€Å"Ignorance is no excuse† applies in business as well as personal lives. Corporate Leaders and CEO’s have to be held to a higher standard. Ethical behavior means to act in a way that is good and mutually beneficial for the individual and society (Mautner, 2005). This statement makes me wonder who decides what is good and mutually beneficial for society and the individual in business practices. When you deal with International Business relations it is good practice to study the business culture of that country. For example Japan acts on the principle of â€Å"Wa† the ancient word for the concept of peace and harmony. It basically means â€Å"circle† and managers and employees work in a circle of harmony. It is important to understand International culture. In Mexico it is believed that if employees have a siesta midday production will increase. In our Western culture you would be fired if you had a siesta on the job. If a company does not take the time to study the culture and business practices of a country they can find themselves tied up in corrupt business transactions. Is it ethical to take part in corrupt international business transactions? Legal? Explain. The answer to this question depends on the country. While it may be illegal to do this in the US, there may not be any laws enforced against this in other countries because of the different culture there that allows business corruption such as bribery as a daily business practice. Thus, ethically, this is wrong on a universal basis but it is also relative in terms of wrong or right or ethical or not depending on the country and the moral base that they are using as ethics are based upon morals. Thus, in the US, it is not either legal or ethical to take part in corrupt international business transactions but it may be necessary in order to compete in business in certain parts of the world as that is the way that they do business. References: Japanese Etiquette and Ethics in Business / Edition 6 by Boye Lafayette De Mente International Business Law

Case study finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finance - Case Study Example The firm provides equipment for performance inclusive of sport balls, socks, timepieces, bats, eyewear, golf clubs, protective equipment among others. Currently, the company is at its declining phase given that in spite of achieving global recognition, their sales are declining, the market share is declining and the profits are not growing. Moreover the share price of the company’s stocks is going down the drain and there are concerns over its investment in mutual fund where the rating of the company is slowly being lowered. In July 2005 a portfolio manager of the company noted that a mutual fund management company was concerned over the write-ups of the groups. As a result the security prices of the firm continued to decline considerably. The company was also noted to be investing much in shares of fortune 500 firms which emphasis on value investment. Whilst the stocks were declining, the North Point Large-cap Fund was doing well as noted from its return of 20.7% while the rating by Standard and Poor went down 10.1%. There were also concerns over the profits remaining constant at US$ 9 billion while the market share in athletic shoes went down to 42% in 2000 from 48% in 1997. Revenue was also adversely affected by the negative impact of the dollar currency. To boost the revenues and growth of the company has to deal with top notch operating performance and establish strategies to boost the sale of athletic shoes in the mid-priced market segment which a segment the company has neglected in the recent times. The company has to also extend its efforts to clothing line business where the under the latest management the firm has performed well. Moreover, on the cost side of the company the company has plans to increase its efforts on control of expenses. The meeting of top executives stressed the importance of having a target of long term increase in revenues of 10% and a 15% growth in earnings. Moreover

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Harriet Tubman- the most respected personalitie of the 19th century Essay

Harriet Tubman- the most respected personalitie of the 19th century - Essay Example Harriet Tubman began working as an underground rail operator around 1850; this was immediately after the death of Edward Brodess in 1849. The death of Brodess left Tubman and the remaining members of her family at risk of being sold so as to settle some of her master’s debts. She ran away to freedom and found her way through the Underground Railroad to Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, she began working as a domestic help in saving some of the money she was being paid with the aim of saving her family members from slavery. The Underground Railroad was not a real railroad but a way for slaves to escape to freedom in the north. She was an operator or a conductor (Bradford ). These are the people who helped the slaves run away to freedom. These conductors showed the slaves where to hide so that the slave-hunters could not get them. They also got the food to eat and clothing before they got an alternative source of income.  She worked hard to save money for the intended trip home. Immediately the money was enough she left her job to free her sister.  ... She ran away to freedom and found her way through the Underground Railroad to Philadelphia. In Philadelphia she began working as a domestic help in saving some of the money she was being paid with the aim of saving her family members from slavery. The Underground Railroad was not a real rail road but a way for slaves to escape to freedom in the north. She was an operator or a conductor (Bradfrod ). These are the people who helped the slaves run away to freedom. These conductors showed the slaves where to hide so that the slave hunters could not get them. They also got them food to eat and clothing before they got an alternative source of income. Tubman initial aim was to get her family to liberty after she had freed herself to Philadelphia. She worked hard to save money for the intended trip home. Immediately the money was enough she left her job to free her sister. This is where her work began that later gave her the recognition that she has had until today. Tubman felt bad about th e suffering experienced by her family, friends and relatives in the hands of their masters. In the process of freeing her sister she decided to include others on the first trip (Sernett 20-50). She managed to save her family including her father, mother, brothers and sisters, cousins and nephews. It is estimated that she made between eleven to thirteen trips saving and protecting many slaves from masters and slave hunters. The many trips to free slaves made her famous for her work at the same time risking her life. At one moment the slave hunters grew tired of her activities and in decided to offer an award worth $ 40000 to anyone who would bring them Tubman. This did not deter her in her endeavor to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The effects of the Ottoman Empire on modern day Crete Essay

The effects of the Ottoman Empire on modern day Crete - Essay Example Crete, therefore, has a rich history that informs how individuals strove to build a better world for the rest of the human population. The past struggles of the Cretan people define their modern culture. Multiple events helped create the Cretan culture. To begin with, conquests have made the modern day Crete. This mainly occurred due to the wealth associated with the Island as different parties sought to gain economically from Crete. In addition, religion hugely influenced the development of the region. This occurred in terms of religious conversion and religious conflicts. Notably, Islam and Christianity informed the cultures and attitudes of the residents of Crete. In addition, intervention by international parties influenced the development of Crete. Modern Cretans have a culture of self-defense and self-reliance. In this sense, the citizens believe that they should assume the responsibility of their own lives. In such a nation, individuals slightly delineate from politics since they believe pure hard work relieves one from poverty. Self-reliance is notable in the military culture of Cretans. For instance, a significant number of surveys note that every household in Crete owns at least one gun. These guns are either legal or illegal. In the 17th century’s rebellions against the Christian rule, the Ottoman authorities usually responded by executing several bishops and Christians. In turn, the Greeks attacked the Turkish people. It is notable that there were huge casualties on both sides of the war. The Muslims who migrated into the northern fortified towns experienced famine that consumed almost 60% of the population (Kyriakopoulos, 2008). These experiences seemed to have forged an attitude among Cretans that the state mig ht not always protect them. In this turn, they ensure their own security by owning guns. The Cretans have a contemporary language that borrows heavily from the region’s development. In as much as the general

Friday, July 26, 2019

Response to a critic of the film, A Place at the Table. topic can be Essay

Response to a critic of the film, A Place at the Table. topic can be chosen - Essay Example In a fascinating voyage that ends up changing the perception that people have on hunger in America, the movie displays the possible solutions that will lead to the solution of food insecurity in America. Ultimately, American people are for the opinion that ending hunger will be one of the most substantial life accomplishments of all time. In summary, the movie is directed in a manner that depicts the state of hunger in America in a less cruel way. It reveals some interceptions that a common viewer will not stand a position to acknowledge. Again, the film seems to shun the bare-knuckle and fury journalism that the dishonorable topic of hunger deserves to have an appropriate expression. The directors make their choices from the working poor populations and frames the condition of obesity as a chronic form of malnourishment to those areas where getting a burger is simple than getting a banana. In the whole movie, the problem of food insecurity is displayed in a soft manner redirecting it away from petty politics. Throughout the movie, those who represent the administration are seen to be emitting platitudes while the issues of the agribusiness persons suffer from adverse perceptions. When the ten-year-old from the movie by the name Rosie goes ahead and confesses that she actually longs for â€Å"extreme makeovers" in o rder to rip her home apart, the viewers really dont have an option but to continue wishing that the "Table" had made similar attempt just like the United States Department of Agriculture. The critic of Nora Lee gives several examples of people affected by the problem and how a teacher goes on to help a student in the movie. This clearly shows that the issue is real and some people have made a step further in helping those affected by the problem. The actors extended family challenges, tend to leave her in a situation that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

See below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

See below - Essay Example The normal flora also harms the human body by promoting disease. Some components of the normal flora namely the commensals, neither harm nor benefit the human body. The normal floras are found in every part of the human body, and each part has specific microorganisms adapted to the particular area. There are skin flora, nasopharyngeal flora, intestinal flora and urogenital flora among other flora. As explained by Shlaes (2010), use of antibiotics may lead to loss of lactobacillus which forms part of the urogenital flora. Lactobacillus keeps the female reproductive organs’ pH level at about 4.5 which is hostile to pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, loss of lactobacillus leads to higher pH levels, which may lead to candida invasion and yeast infection. Antibiotics were also previously used to kill the H. pylori bacteria that resides in the human stomach of gastric ulcers patients. Recent studies, however, suggest that the bacteria may not be a causal agent of the ulcers but j ust part of the normal flora. As described by Pelczar (2011), microbes can be found everywhere on earth. They are found in the soil, in water, in air and on plants and animals. The human body is covered in many different kinds of microbes. The few sterile parts of the human body free from microbes include the brain, lungs and the circulatory system. The human body, as a host to microbes, has three different kinds of symbiotic relationships with microbes of different kinds. Mutualist relationship is where both the host and the microbe benefit from each other. A commensalistic relationship is where neither the microbe nor the host seems to obtain any benefit or harm from the relationship. A parasitic or pathogenic relationship is where the microbe benefits while the host is harmed by the presence of the microbe. A parasitic relationship is where the microbe benefits from the host, while a pathogenic relationship is where the microbe causes harm to the host. According to Pelczar (2011) , normal flora microbes fall under two broad categories. These are the resident microbes and transient microbes. Resident microbes are mainly found on the skin, in the digestive tract, in the mucous membranes, in parts of the respiratory system and parts of the urogenital system. Transient microbes visit the human body and some try to colonize parts of the human host body. However, this usually fails owing to competition from resident microbes, protective action by human immune system and human body changes that inhibit the settlement of transient microbes. Most microbes forming the normal flora are beneficial to the human body. Nevertheless, some changes may occur that make these microbes become harmful to the human body. Dysfunctions in the human immune system may result in overpopulation of normal flora or their migration to areas where they are not ordinarily found. Additionally, when broad spectrum antibiotics are administered on a body the resident microbes may be annihilated and pathogenic microbes may gain an advantage. Physical trauma, such as invasive surgery procedures, may introduce microbes into areas where they are not normally found. As expounded by Shlaes (2010) antibiotics are one of the greatest advances in medicine and their use began in the 1940’s. They are used to fight bacterial infections, some fungal infections and some parasitic microbes. However, they are ineffective against viral infections. Antibiotics kill bacteria in the human body and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Definition of the Word Courage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definition of the Word Courage - Essay Example The average person derives an image of a superhero when thinking about courage. However, that a limited view of what courage means. This is because it can be applied to so many other aspects of life. The second half of the definition in regards to negative forces is what allows for individual perspective on the word. For example, courage can pertain to a person stopping a gunman from shooting another victim despite the immense danger he or she faces in possibly getting maimed or dying in the process. On the other hand, courage can be reflected in the depths of an individual who recently became crippled and has to face the pain, difficulty, and fear of starting life in a new way with new challenges. Both situations involve a form of evil to some extent and to be courageous is appropriately applied to the people involved.   As the discussion highlights  the situation also does not have to be a severe one that radically changes peoples’ lives. There is no indication in the definition of courage that there has to be a big or massive negative situation that happens to someone for it to maintain its context. Courage can be applied to as little a situation as giving a successful speech in front of a classroom of students or having the courage to try something new whether it is a type of food or physical activity.

The Contemporary Implications of Downsizing and Globalisation for the Essay

The Contemporary Implications of Downsizing and Globalisation for the Global Company and Workforce - Essay Example But downsizing might be unsuccessful if applied without consideration of globalisation. Integrating a global culture into the organisational foundation is the task confronting all companies wanting to survive in the contemporary global economy (Marmolejo 2012). A number of firms with extensive experience in the global economy, such as Gillette, have gained knowledge of making global culture an element of the company’s standard operations (Hassard et al. 2009). This essay discusses the reasons companies employ downsizing and integrate globalisation into their operations, and the implications of these strategies for work and daily life in economically developed countries. Downsizing and Globalisation in Organisations Even for the highly developed organisations on the international arena, the growth of major economic organisations creates concerns, like how to successfully bring together downsizing and globalisation. Can a downsized company, for instance, cope with technologies i nclined towards globalisation? For every company, the development of the markets continuously renews concerns for global integration. In a thriving economic state, the movement towards globalisation necessitates a focused and sustained willpower. ... one of the fundamental premises of globalisation, the capacity to downsize globally or, more specifically, the justification of downsizing by a global perspective. Developments with regard to global integration and competition, industrial streamlining, and trade agreements have permanently transformed business activities for the almost all managers. A particular implication for managers is the currently widespread adoption of organisational downsizing. Downsizing has been especially widespread among electronic or technology firms nowadays (De Meuse 2004). Nevertheless, downsizing affects every venture that aims for competitive advantage through cutting of costs. There are two main situations where downsizing could be essential. The first takes place in organisations that are burdened with unproductive assets or constantly failing units. They must figure out whether to sell them to those who can transform these assets into something productive (Gandolfi 2006). The second situation tak es place when jobs depend on obsolete technology, such as newspaper companies. Nevertheless, wholesale ‘slash-and-burn’ strategies, like blanket employee downsizing, rarely result in lasting advantages in profits, efficiency, etc (Gandolfi 2006). Downsizing-- which started in the latter part of 1980s as a desperate, never-to-be-repeated strategy to significantly reduce costs to aid companies in competing globally or in surviving major failures in their operations-- has currently become a mainstay in the global economic arena. There exists a strong interconnection between the three major motivators for downsizing, namely, customer demands, latest technology, and global competition, as well as customer-oriented policies and information-based marketing (Blackburn 1999). Particular

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How Drugs and Receptors Interact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How Drugs and Receptors Interact - Essay Example GABAA receptors are also ligand-gated and ionotropic channels. Upon binding of the drug, such hormones are automatically triggered. Examples of drugs that bind through this mechanism include bicuculline, muscimol, and gaboxadol. b) Ligand-Regulated Transmembrane Enzymes Ligand-Regulated Transmembrane Enzymes are receptor molecules that mediate the early steps of signaling by insulin, growth factor, epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived, transforming growth factor, atrial natriuretic peptide, and many more trophic hormones. They are a type of receptors that are polypeptides in nature and comprise of extra-cellular-hormone-binding domains that bind to a cytoplasmic enzyme. The enzyme can be a tyrosine kinase, a guanylate cyclase or serine. In all these receptors, the two are linked by a polypeptide, a hydrophobic domain that cuts across the lipid layers. Upon binding of the drug (ligand) to the extracellular receptor, the receptor activates monomers to dimmers and the two receptor polypeptides bind strongly to the membrane. The cytoplasmic domains are then phosphorylated on tyrosine residues and their particular enzymatic activities or effects are activated. The tyrosine kinase receptor signaling pathway begins with binding of the drug or ligand to the external domain of the receptor. For example, monoclonal antibodies that act as antagonists of the tyrosine kinase receptors are effective in the management of breast cancer-related with over-expression of the growth factor receptor.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Explain why some creationists do not believe in the big bang theory Essay Example for Free

Explain why some creationists do not believe in the big bang theory Essay Creationism is commonly recognised as a religion that does not regard the big bang theory or evolution to be true. Creationists are a group of, often evangelical Christians, who have a literal belief in the creation stories of the bible; it teaches that everything in the universes ultimate cause is God. Although it is important to note that there is not just one type of creationist and not just one single belief that is creationism. There are many varieties including progressive creationists, who make a link with bible accounts and the big bang theory, and day age creationists who believe in the Genesis account of creation however state that each of the 6 days of creation in the bible was actually a period of millions of years. Although progressive creationists make a link between the big band and god, most creationists would reject this view. Dr Russel Humphreys, a young earth creationist, believes â€Å"the order is all wrong as well as the timescales.† When it comes to matching bible creation accounts with the big bang. For example, Genesis chapter 1 states that the universe starts with darkness however the big bang theory explains the universe starts with light. Creationists also find a problem with the big bang theory because it states that the whole universe began with a singularity, and creationists claim that scientists can’t determine where this came from, therefore proving a major flaw in the theory. Another growing belief of creationists is that the universe is only between 6000-10000 years old, and was created by God. On the ground of this belief the big bang theory is not a logical possibility. This particular theory was devised by Philip Gosse and is known as the Omplalos argument. Gosse used the Julian calendar to work backwards, and this lead him to conclude that the universe began on October 23rf 4004BC, and was created by God in 6 days. He stated that although there is evidence such as fossils to suggest that the world is older, these and other things were just made by God, and the universe was created with an apparent history that isn’t actually true. Consequently any discoveries that scientists make that go beyo nd the date of 4004BC are wrong and can’t be used as evidence for the creation of the universe. Aside from theories that provide a new explanation of how the universe began, some creationists simply believe that the big bang theory cannot be correct as it goes against their views of a benevolent, omnipotent God. They believe that the big bang theory does not reflect a God that is powerful enough to create the universe itself because  the scientific view does not accept a view that God could have created the Big Bang. It’s also argued that the big bang could not have created such a perfect world and the universes design must be down to an intelligent designer that is God. Dr Robert Matthews, a researcher at the institute for creation research, says â€Å"why for instance is our universe and its laws just right for the existence of life? Some argue that it’s because it was specially made for us by a benevolent creator.† This belief is one that belong to the denomination of creationism called Neo-creationism. The majority of creationists do not believe in the big bang theory, as the Holy Scriptures are believed to be the word of God, and are interpreted literally. The fact that creationists interpret the creation stories literally means that the book of Genesis provides the only explanation of the creation of the universe that could be true. As a result of this belief, creationists attempt to prove this b focusing research into finding scientific proof for the stories of Genesis, such as finding evidence for Noah’s flood.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of All Saints Church Margaret Street

History of All Saints Church Margaret Street 1.0 INTRODUCTION Figure 1: All Saints Margaret Street All Saints Margaret Street, (1849-59) a almost hidden beautiful church that luckily had pointed out by Hengry-Russell Hitchcock more than 40 years ago and now the church had listed Grade 1 Anglican Church in London, England(1).William Butterfield was the architect who designed this building and this church had been said as Butterfield’s masterpiece.  This church marks a turning point in the Gothic Revival building style it’s also a leading building on High Victorian Gothic style that can potray British architecture around 1850 to 1870.This church was built as a model church of Ecclesiological Society(2)and the church stands on the north side of Margaret street in Fitzrovia, that’s a place near Oxford Street. Its located in an extremely narrow site and is set back from mainstreet in a delightful court yard between the vicarage and the choir school.(3) __________________________________________________________ (1) Saints, Margaret Street, available on,_Margaret_Street, accessed on 3th May 2015, 04;45pm. (2) Sir Banister Fletcher, A History of Architecture Nineteenth Edition, England, Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 8PH, UK, page 1095 (3) All Saints Margaret Street-London’s Hidden Victorian Gothic Masterpiece, available on, accessed on 3th May 2015, 05;05pm. 2.0 Building History Figure2: Frederick Oakeley Portrait Source: available on accessed on 6th May 2015, 01:01am Figure 3: William Dodsworth portrait Source: available on accessed on 6th May 2015, 01:03 am All Saints got a lot of history that when it stands on Margaret Street since 1760s.The church had proceeded a lots of thing such as the various gradation of Dissent and Low-Churchism until 1829, William Dodsworth that’s a Tractarian become the chapel’s incumbent and he later converted to Roman Catholicism, same like one of his successors who are Federick Oakeley. Federick Oakeley said the chapel as ’a complete paragon of ugliness’ it means that he don’t like the chapel design and think it was very ugly at the time before he resign the chapel’s inclument and this word had gave the Idea to rebuild the chapel as the correct ecclesiastical style that he think about. This rebuilding chapel idea had success collected a sum of almost  £30, 000 for the rebuilding purpose. After this scheme he was succeeded by his assistant that is William Upton Richards and he was decided to carry on this rebuilding chapel plan. In 1845, Alexander Beresford said that this plan can combined with the project of the Cambridge Camden Society that they want to found a model church and his proposal had approved by Upton Richards, George Chandler who are the rector of ALL Souls, and Charles Blomfield, the Bishop of London. Sir Stephen Glynne and Sir Alexander Beresford Hope had appointed by the Cambridge Camden Society to take the fully control and oversee work of the architectural and ecclesiological aspects. Sir Stephen Glynne was unable to actively participate in this project and only Sir Alexander Beresford Hope took the charge of this rebuilding project.(4) After the plan had confirmed, William Butterfield was selected as the architect of this rebuild chapel project and this is a curious choice and they also paid Margaret street  £14, 500.(4)The last services for the old chapel was on Easter Monday, 1850.After that the foundation stone of the new building was laid All Saints’ Day of the year by Edward Bouverie Pusey. The services was held on the other temporary chapel that’s in Titchfield Street for the next nine years because of the rebuild construction for the new chapel. On 28 May 1859, the new church was finally finished the rebuild and the chapel had consecrated by Dr Trait who are the Bishop of London at that time(5). The total cost for the new church was a highly cost, including the site cost and endowments the cost was around  £70, 000. The donation helped the church a lot on this rebuilt project. ___________________________________ (4) English Church Architecture- City of Westminister: London Borough. All Saints, Margaret Street (TQ 292 815) available on city of westminster/all saints, margaret street/all_saints, _margaret_street.htm, accessed on 6th May 2015, on 01:29 am. (5)All Saints, Margaret Street , available on, _Margaret_Street, accessed on 6th May 2015, on 01:40AM. 3.0 Architecture of Building All Saints by William Butterfield had brought a new grandeur to the Gothic Revival building style and the Gothic Revival style was popular during the 1800s.’Structural Polychromy’ had became Butterfield’s habitual contribution to the Gothic Revivalist style of church architecture and the structural polychromy is the used of coloured material especially stone and bricks and tiles to make a building where colour and pattern are special in the structure. (6) In 2014 Simon Thurley who are the Chief Executive of English Heritage had listed All Saints as one of the ten most important building in England. Sir John Betjeman had said the design of the church showed Butterfield ‘going on from where the Middle Age left off’. Charles Locke Eastlake who was the 19th century architect and writer had wrote Butterfield’s design was ’a bold and magnificent endeavor to shake off the trammels of antiquarian precedent, which had long fettered the progress of the Revival, to create not a new style , but development of previous styles’. John Ruskin the Victorian critic had wrote something after seeing All Saints and he wrote’ Having done this, we may do anything;†¦and I believe it to be possible for us, not only to equal, but far to surpass, in some respects, any Gothic yet seen in Northern countries.(7) ___________________________________ (6) All Saints’ Church, Margaret Street, Church London, United Kingdom, available on, accessed on 6th May 2015, 01:59 AM. (7) All Saints, Margaret Street , available on, _Margaret_Street, accessed on 6th May 2015, on 02:28AM. Figure 4: All Saints, Margaret Street exterior Source: available on accessed on 6th May 2015, 07:30AM 3.1 Building Exterior For the building exterior William Butterfield had use the innovate building material that is red brick. The church’s contrast to the other Gothic Revival churches of the 1840s that is common built by the grey Kentish ragstone and All Saints had been built by the red bricks. At that time most of the cheap churches use the red brick as the building material but Butterfield chose the red brick and this church is the first important building where brick was used decoratively. The red brick will banded and patterned with the black bricks and the sipre is banded with stone. All the decoration will make into the structure and this made All Saints the first example of ‘structure polychromy’ in London.(8) The broach spire soaring 69 meter high and it was the second height in London and it still visible above and between the shops at a few of point along the Oxford street. The columns internally include Aberdeen granite, serpentine, veined alabaster, the so-called Derbyshir e fossil ‘marble’ actually is a hard limestone capable of taking polish and among the true marbles, red Languedoc, yellow Sienna and green Connemara. And this such a palette actually rather cosmopolitan for William Butterfield that showed he was discriminate in favor for vernacular materials. William Butterfield had made his the best use of the limited space that available such about 100’ square that is church guide and placing his church along the back and setting out a courtyard at the front, covered by the place of vicar stay that’s call vicarage on the right side and a parish on the left side. The only windows able to be constructed in the North side of the clerestory because of adjoined other buildings to the north and east. The tower is the most striking feature for the external which has angle buttresses reaching up to the base of the bellstage and the bell-opening stands of two very tall and narrow. Two–light geometric bell-opening per wall and set together in the recessed rectangles with denticulation in moulded brick above.and a needle spire which is clearly the product its author. The pattern in the brickwork at the church consist chiefly of a rich of horizontal bands, zigzag and lozenges(9). As All Saints was a metropolitan church and there was a plenty of money available for the church rebuild, William Butterfield no need to limit himself on the basis of the generous capital for him to design this masterpiece. The church had success absorb people attention and although it had its critics and it was potent source for an entire generation of British architects. ___________________________________ (8) All Saints, Margaret Street , available on, _Margaret_Street, accessed on 6th May 2015, on 07:58 AM (9) ) English Church Architecture- City of Westminister: London Borough. All Saints, Margaret Street (TQ 292 815) available on city of westminster/all saints, margaret street/all_saints, _margaret_street.htm, accessed on 6th May 2015, on 08:20 am. 3.2 Building Interior Figure 5: All Saints Margaret Street’s interior, available on, accessed on 6th May 2015 10:30AM All Saints, Margaret Street also very famous for its beautiful interior design and decoration. The interior of All Saints is more brightly coloured than the exterior of the church. The church’s interior is richly decorated with granite, marble, alabaster and tiles. Nikolaus Pevsner, the architectural historian had telling the church’s interior as ’dazzling, through in an eminently High Victorian ostentatiousness or obtrusiveness. †¦No part the wall is left undecorated. From everywhere the praise of the Lord is drummed into you. Figure 6:Church’s layout plan of the church from the 1856 Builder, available on, accessed on 6th May 2015, 11:05AM A three-bay nave and two-bay chancel running along the center had formed in the building. On the North side, from the west to east that’s a three-bay aisle, a short Lady Chapel and organ chamber that’s terminate about half a bay short of the East. At the south that’s a two-bay aisle alongside the two eastern bays of the nave, leading into another chapel with vestry far to the east, and into a baptistery surmounted by the tower and spire to the west side and there is also a small S. porch. The baptistery is divided by a solid wall that’s from the westernmost bay of the nave, no scared about the structural necessity because the wall can support the weight of the tower above(10). That’s a series of painting on decorated wall covered at the east wall of the chanel that’s painted by Ninian Comper in 1909 and William Dyce was the people who work as the restoration at the earlier time. At the north side wall a large ceramic tile freized had been dec orated at there and designed by William Butterfield. The wall describe out a variety of figures from the Old Testament, a central Navity scene depictions of Early Church Fatherd and it painted by Alexander Gibbs and fired by Hengry Poole and Sons in 1873(10).The stained glass windows are limited in the church because of the density of the buildings around All Saints and that are mostly located in the upper part of the building. Alfred Gerente but this designed the original windows but his work was not held in high regard and then replaced. The originally fitted largest west window by Gerente in 1853-1858 was replaced in 1877 by a design by Alexander Gribbs based on the Tree of Jesse window in Wells Cathedral. The clerestory’s glass date from 1853 and Michael O’Connor designed the east window of the south chancel aisle which show Christ in Majesty with ST Edward and St Augustine. The baptistery in the south-west corner of the church was features an image of the Pelican in her Piety in the ceiling tiles that’s a symbol of the fall and redemption of man(11). The nave arcades are formed by cluster of four major and four minor deeply-cut stiff leaf capitals, supporting two centred arches bearing waves and rolls with fillets. The church’s spandrels are decorated embed b the coloured stone and mastic. The nave roof is characterized above all by the way in which its painted arched support simulate stone. The painted wall tiles was depicting between other tableaus. The chancel arch from the corbel shafts and half arches had cross the aisles between the aisles and chapels. The chancel had vaulted in two quadripartile bays and add of a ridge rib which done by William Butterfield and the wall were painted and gilded shortly as what William Butterfield wished. The Minton floor-tile patterns cover the the All Saints show the ordinary build-up in effect as on e passes from east to west. As usual, Butterfield was very attention on his font and pulpit. Maybe the pulpit is a little heavy but the decoration is still very nice. The brown marble shafts with stiff leaf capitals supported the drum and the green narrower shafts surrounded it.(12) ___________________________________ (10) All Saints, Margaret Street , available on, _Margaret_Street, accessed on 6th May 2015, on 09:20 AM. (11) All Saints, Margaret Street , available on, _Margaret_Street, accessed on 7th May 2015, on 10:05 AM. (12) ) English Church Architecture- City of Westminister: London Borough. All Saints, Margaret Street (TQ 292 815) available on city of westminster/all saints, margaret street/all_saints, _margaret_street.htm, accessed on 8th May 2015 on 11:30 AM. 4.0 ARCHITECT, WILLIAM BUTTERFIELD Figure 7: William Butterfield’s portrait Source: William Butterfield available on accessed on 8th May 2015, 01:39 PM William Butterfield, born on 7 September 1814 and dead on 23 February 1900 when he was 85 years old. A British architect influential in the Gothic Revival architecture style in England. Sometime he had been called as the Oxford movement’s most original architect and he also introduced an architectural realism that’s including materials of contrasting textures and colorful patterns clearly expressed. He is also noted for his polychromy that’s the practice of decorating architectural element, sculpture that’s in a variety colour..Conservative estimates he had done 25 architectural projects included churches, school and hospital, 67 drawings are design for the ecclesiastical objects.(13) 4.1 BIOGRAPHY William Butterfield was one of the nine children in his family and he live in a seriously non-conformist family but he was a very high church despite his non-conformist family .His father operated a chemist’s shop in The Strand, London(14). He was educated locally until he was 16 years old he started apprenticed to a builder in Pimlico that’s name Thomas Arber. But later William Butterfield later went to study architecture with an architect name EL Blackburn because of the Thomas Barber later went bankrupt. After his study he became an assistant and articled to an architect name Harvey Eginton that’s practicing in Worceseter . In 1840 he moved back to where he belong and launched his own architectural practice at Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, England. This was the early life of the William Butterfield but his early life did not change his career and his architectural concept in the future.(15) From 1842 William Butterfield associate vigorously with the Cam bridge Camden Society and later develop into the Ecclesiological Society. This Society was set up by the students of Cambridge Univesity and they set up this society is for studying Gothic architecture in general and church in particular. They became one of the effect in advocate a return to the Gothic Style of architecture in England. He gave a lot of designs to the Society’s journal that’s The Ecclesiologist at the caught up in the Oxford Movement that’s a serious movement begun by John Keble that’s aim for reinvigorate the English Anglican Church. William Butterfield’s design was in a mediaval Gothic style that’s known as Gothic Revival or Victorian Gothic. Many buildings include his style such as churches, secular buildings that’s schools and colleges(16). One of his church design was All Saints, Margaret Street, in London that’s a style of building rapidly increasing throughout Britain and to every corner of the Empire in every urban buildings and churches alike. After All Saints, Margaret Street he went to design other churches, but there is one building he will remember all the time that’s Keble College, Oxford University.(17) The college was unanimously of red bricks and emphasize with black and white brick to make creation of chequerboard patterns. The chapel had been called a ‘monument to High Victorian Gothic’ it also called as he masterpiece to the High Victorian Gothic. The best thing for the chapel that’s William Butterfield think was it contains Holman’s painting ‘The Light of The World’. Unfortunately, William Butterfield’s polychrome style like all things in the world of art and faded. After year 1875, the public begin to forget his design and he became less in requirement in the public. William Butterfield had put all of himself to his interests beyond architecture and used his hand and knowledge to design the church interior decoration and future. He liked to use the high quality and durable material in all of his design. He was such a quiet man but he got a deeply religious for his conviction. Rigid and austere was his personal priciples and this principle showed on his design. He know how to use the polychrome scheme with a strong massing of shapes and the high steeples. He also used very strong colour but he preferred not to spoiled the colour of the materials provided. He used the marble, alabaster, stone, brick, colour tile and also mosaic that extensively to provide decorative colour for his philosophy(18). The famous buildings William Butterfield had design was Balliol College Chapel, Oxford , St Augustine’s Church in Penarth Glamorgan), Rugby School, Dorchester Abbey. In year 1884, William Butterfield received an award that’s RIBA Gold Medal. After 6 years in 1900 , he dead in London. He was buried in Tottenham Cemetery, Haringey that’s North side of London. The grave can saw easily from the public path through the cemetery. A blue plaque had simply states â€Å"William Butterfield, 1814-1900, Architect lived here† and just simply recognized on it.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Typical of british banks

Typical of british banks ‘This is absolutely typical of British banks. As soon as you have any success they want to pull the plug and stop you trading. Loretta Long was very angry. She is the managing director of Park Leisurewear Ltd (PL), and had just received a letter from the businesss bank requiring a significant reduction in the overdraft. ‘This is ridiculous agreed Jimbo Juggins, the production director. ‘Last year we had an excellent year and it looks set to continue. We had a big order in from Totspur Plc just this morning. If we cant keep up the overdraft, we wont be able to fulfil that order. Totspur was one of several national chains of casual and sportswear stores which was placing substantial orders with PL, usually to be sold under the Park label, but in some cases under the stores ‘own brand label. PL had been started by Loretta and Jimbo five years ago. The business is a designer and manufacturer of casual and leisure clothes aimed particularly at the younger, higher income market. Before starting the business both Loretta and Jimbo had been employed as senior managers with White Hart Plc, a large UK clothes manufacturer. They decided to create PL after their ideas for developing a new range of clothes for younger people had been welcomed by White Hart Plc but investment capital had not been available. From the very outset, Loretta and Jimbo decided that PL would be a design and marketing led business. Much of the forward planning was concerned with integrating the product design and development with the sales and marketing operations of the business. The new business had taken a lot of trouble and spent a lot of money on employing a young and talented design team, led by Heena Hussein who had been employed previously as a chief designer for a leading sportswear brand. The range of clothes designed by Heena and her team was greeted with enthusiasm by the major buyers and this was converted into firm orders by the marketing team led by Loretta. PL grew slowly at first. However, sales started to increase significantly as the brand gained acceptability in the UK and as export markets in France and Switzerland were opened. Loretta and Jimbo were both surprised and delighted by the speed with which the sales of the business had grown in recent years and by the growing base of regular customers. The order just received from Totspur was seen as particularly important. If Totspur became a regular customer, the sales of the business were likely to increase rapidly over the next few years and would establish PL as a major player in the market. This, Loretta and Jimbo felt, would build upon their success, success evidenced in the year to 30 September 2007 by the Cash Generated from Operations (as shown on their published Cash Flow Statement) of  £6,608,000. Loretta and Jimbo had both invested their life savings in the business and had also taken out large mortgages on their respective houses to help finance the new business. However, this provided only a relatively small amount of the total ordinary share capital needed. In order to raise the remaining share capital, friends, family and business contacts were approached. The largest shareholder of the business was Crowley Estates Ltd owned by Alan and Tim Crowley. The two Crowley brothers had made large profits by land speculation over the years but were keen to diversify into other areas as their business had been particularly hard hit by the recent recession. They had known Loretta for many years and were convinced she and Jimbo would make a success of the new business. PLs directors and their shareholdings were as follows: Loretta Long Managing Director and Marketing Director (700,000 shares) Jimbo Juggins Production Director (700,000 shares) Heena Hussein Design Director (40,000 shares) Alan Crowley Chairman (2,000,000 shares owned jointly with brother Tim through Crowley Estates) Tim Crowley Non-executive director In addition to his role as production director, Jimbo tended to look after financial matters. Though the business had accounts staff who dealt with the day-to-day transactions, there was no one at PL who had any great financial expertise. When there was a problem, the businesss auditors were normally asked for advice. That said, Loretta and Jimbo had not consulted the auditors in October 2007 when they had purchased new equipment and buildings for  £8,670,000, part of which had been funded by an additional bank loan. On the day the letter from the bank was received, a meeting of the board of directors was due to take place to consider the draft financial statements for the year that had ended two months earlier. At this meeting, the letter from the bank was also distributed to board members for discussion. Jimbo Juggins began the discussion by saying: ‘Weve just received the draft accounts from the auditors which seem to confirm our success. Profit has more than doubled. I really cant see how the cash situation is so poor. I know that we spent a lot on that additional plant and that we didnt get anything from the old machines we got rid of, but most of that was covered by the bank loan. Really, the cash situation should be even better than the profit level implies because the expenses include about  £2.8 million for depreciation and we dont have to write a cheque for that. Loretta Long, who was still angry at what she regarded as the high-handed attitude of the bank, pointed to the difficulties that the banks demands would cause: ‘The bank wants us to reduce the overdraft by half over the next six months! This is crazy I tried to explain that we have important orders to fulfil but the manager wasnt interested. How on earth can we find this kind on money in the time available? We are being asked to do the impossible. Both Jimbo and Loretta had, before the meeting, hoped that the Crowley brothers would be prepared to help out by purchasing further new shares in PL or by making a loan. However, it was soon made clear by Alan Crowley that further investment was not a possible option. Crowley Estates had been experiencing considerable problems over recent years, as a result of a couple of unprofitable overseas projects, and simply did not have the money to invest further in PL. Indeed, the Crowley brothers would be prepared to sell their shares in PL to generate much-needed cash for their own ailing business. Finding a prospective buyer for the shares was not, however, a likely prospect at this point. Both Alan and Tim Crowley had been heavily involved in recent years with the problems of Crowley Estates and had taken little interest in PLs affairs. The board meeting made them realise that they should have been much more attentive and now faced the prospect of being major shareholders of two failed b usinesses unless things could be radically improved. PLs financial statements for the past two years are set out below on the next two pages: *Note: Opening net book value of NCAs (8,600) Depreciation charge for the year 2,800 Closing net book value of NCAs 14,470 NCA additions during the year 8,670 The board of directors was not able to agree on a way of dealing with the financial problem faced by PL. Loretta believed that their best hope was to continue to wrangle with the bank over its demands. She felt that their was still a chance that the bank could be persuaded to change its mind once the draft financial statements for last year were made available and the bank was informed of the implications for PL of paying off such a large part of the overdraft in such a short period of time. Jimbo and Heena, on the other hand, were not optimistic about the prospects of changing the banks position. PL had breached its overdraft limit on several occasions over the past few years and they knew that the patience of the bank was now wearing thin. They believed that the only real solution was for the board to look for someone who was prepared to make a significant investment in the business. They felt that only a large injection of new funds could keep PL on track. Like Loretta, they belie ved that the financial statements demonstrated the success of PL over recent years and that this evidence would make the business attractive to a potential investor. The Crowley brothers rejected both of these views as being impractical. In addition, they were against the idea of introducing another major shareholder as this was likely to dilute their influence over the future direction of the business. The brothers believed that the board required drastic and immediate action, although they were not sure what form of action should be taken. After several hours of discussion, it was clear that the financial issue was not going to be resolved at the meeting. Instead, it was agreed that expertise from outside PL should be sought to help the business find a feasible solution to the problem. The board decided to approach BUS021 Financial Consultants, a firm which specialises in helping businesses with financial problems, and to ask the firm to analyse the financial performance and financial health of the company.

Trigonometry :: essays research papers

Trigonometry Trigonometry uses the fact that ratios of pairs of sides of triangles are functions of the angles. The basis for mensuration of triangles is the right- angled triangle. The term trigonometry means literally the measurement of triangles. Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that developed from simple measurements. A theorem is the most important result in all of elementary mathematics. It was the motivation for a wealth of advanced mathematics, such as Fermat's Last Theorem and the theory of Hilbert space. The Pythagorean Theorem asserts that for a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. There are many ways to prove the Pythagorean Theorem. A particularly simple one is the scaling relationship for areas of similar figures. Did Pythagoras derive the Pythagorean Theorem or did he piece it together by studying ancient cultures; Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China? What did these ancient cultures know about the theorem? Where was the theorem used in their societies? In "Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations", the author discusses who originally derived the Pythagorean Theorem. He quotes Proclos, a commentator of Euclid's elements, "if we listen to those who wish to recount the ancient history we may find some who refer this theorem to Pythagoras, and say that he sacrificed an ox in honor of his discovery". If this statement is considered as a statement of fact, it is extremely improbable, for Pythagoras was opposed to the sacrifice of animals, especially cattle. If the saying is considered as just a legend, it is easy to explain how such a legend might have come into existence. Perhaps the original form of the legend said something like he who discovered the famous figure sacrificed a bull in honor of his discovery. Van der Waerden goes on to comment that he believes the original discoverer was a priest, before the time of Babylonian texts, who was allowed to sacrifice animals and also was a mathematician. This question can never be answered, but evidence that societies used the theorem before the time of Pythagoras can be found. The Theorem is useful in everyday life. For example, at a certain time of day, the sun's rays cast a three foot shadow off a four foot flag pole. Knowing these two lengths, and the fact that the pole forms a ninety degree angle with the ground, the distance from the end of the shadow to the top of the pole can be found without measuring. The first step is to substitute the given data

Friday, July 19, 2019

From Moniza Alvis poetry, how do we learn about the challenges of Essa

From Moniza Alvi's poetry, how do we learn about the challenges of living between two cultures? Moniza Alvi writes many poems based on the difficulties she faces whilst living between two cultures and I am going to explore these difficulties through the following poems: - "The Sari", "Throwing out my Fathers Dictionary", "an Unknown Girl" and "Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan." Firstly, I am going to discuss her poem "The Sari" which is a metaphorical poem telling us what happened to her in early life. The poem begins, "Inside my mother I peered through a glass porthole", which creates an image of a baby in the womb. It then continues to say, "the world beyond was hot and brown", which suggests that she was born in Pakistan. The second stanza represents her Pakistani life consisting of a father, servants and animals; "They were all looking in on me - Father, Grandmother, the cook's boy, the sweeper-girl, the bullock." This shows us the differences between the Pakistani and English culture and also what her life would have been like if she had stayed in Pakistan. The phrase "the bullock with the sharp shoulderblades" uses a repetition of soft consonants suggests a feeling of calmness at being somewhere she knows she belongs. The third stanza links her Pakistani and English roots, "My English grandmother took a telescope and gazed across continents", giving the notion that her Grandmother wishes for he upbringing to be in England. The use of the word "gazed" in particular gives an impression of great eagerness. The third stanza begins with her journey from Pakistan to England; "All the people unravelled a sari. It stretched from Lahore to Hyderabad." This suggests that the unravelling sari is showin... ...ttempts to recreate herself in their culture. As you can see, Pakistani beliefs are very different to those held by the English. Moniza Alvi's poetry is deeply influenced by her cultural influences. This is obvious because the majority of her poetry is based on the difficulties of living between two cultures. Her poetry is also influenced by fashions in writing. Her style is very modern and contrasting to pre-20th century poets, and this enhances younger reader's appreciation of the text. In conclusion, Moniza Alvi was privileged to have lived between two cultures because it meant that she was welcomed into two communities and had the opportunity to experience different ways of life. However, all good things come at a price and for this she suffered the issues of not knowing where she fit in, which values she held and having high family expectations.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Core issues in ethics Essay

Humankind can’t continue their lives without desires. If one wants to be happy, surely, he has to discover his best desires that provide him a happy life. Some of these desires that help to continue our lives can be acceptance in our relationships, a good family life and strong social relations. Trying to satisfy these desires has a great meaning to achieve happiness for me. To start with, however embarrassed I am about this desire of mine, I have an obsession to expect people to accept my thoughts and manners in every situation. Yes, this is not a good characteristic and sometimes makes me an antipathic person but trying to be accepted by someone can give you happiness, too. Besides, if you can manage to make someone love you knowing and accepting all about you, I think that is the absolute happiness. Furthermore, it seems to me that family is the basic source of happiness. Certainly, I can’t always be a good guy and sometimes I make them upset but I can’t stand seeing them upset. Therefore, I try to do whatever necessary to make them happy. Consequently, when I see happy family faces, I feel deeply happy. Thirdly, to have friends is one of the most meaningful aspects of life. I believe that one should have three very warm friends at least. For example, I can’t bear loneliness and if I couldn’t share all my heart with these warm friends, I believe that I could never be happy. As a consequence, if you feel like me, it will be worth improving your close relationships in order to be happy. To recap, humankind has a short life but he is given a lot of desires to be happy. Moreover, if one wants to discover the meaning of his short life, he should look for it in desires. Whether he finds it or not, he will taste happiness just by looking for it.

Economics and B. Government C.

1. Which of the adjacent is not a key trade-off faced by society? A. who welcomes good and service? B. whether or not to produce. C. how to produce? D. which goods and services to produce. 2. near microeconomic models assume that decision markers need to A. act selfishly. B. key themselves as sanitary off as possible C. make others as well off as possible. D. none of the preceding(prenominal). 3. What links the decisions of work throughrs and firms in mart? A. coordinations officials B. government C. prices D. microeconomics 4. The price of a good or service is A. ever so equal to the cost of producing the good B. neer affected by number of buyers and seller.C. unremarkably determined in a market. D. no(prenominal) of the above. 5. Economists make many assumptions to simplify their models because. A. they ar lazy B. no one would go out complex models. C. the real world is too complex to analyze fully. D. none of the above. 6. Which of the following is an example of a p ositive arguing? A. if you tucker out this good you, get out get sick. B. since this good is bad for you, you should not consume it. C. if this good is bad for you, you should not consume it D. none of the above. 7. Which of the following is true. A. A prescriptive economic stament is a testable hypothesis most cause and effect.B. a positive stament concerns what individual believes should come up a normative stament concerns what will happen. C. A normative stament concerns what somebody believes should happen a positive stament concerns what will happen. D. none of the above are true. 8. Microeconomic models employ to. A. evaluate policy alternatives. B. make predictions. C. develop real life phenomena D. all of the above 9. Which of the following choices is an example of a proscribe externality. A. educations B. mercury emissions from a coal-fired power congeal C. your neighbor is trimming the hedge amid your houses. D polio vaccinations

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Troy Movie Notes

troy weight weight= the movie(post classical depiction) * troy weight is the most powerful adhesiveness once against the classics * Agamemnon wishs the world all the land * Achilles has disappeargond from the force. A male child goes to find him, * Achilles mother is perfectiondess as posteriort be killed (Contemp) * Nester persueds Achilles to scrap the big zany be parkway of Time. He cant stand to digest his primp * Achilles, son of genus capital of France * Achilles kills the big zany with one stab * T present is a huge feast , thr have got by Agamemnon and Helen, to drink to peace, surrounded by troy and Sparta * Helen and genus Paris ar make outrs behind Menelauss plump for.Hektor goes to analyze what they are doing. * Helen is afraid(p) to wear the necklace because she is afraid that she ordain be caught and Paris testa workforcet be killed or shipped out-of-door. Before she met him, she was a ghost. * Agamemnon com hu existenceds all the Greek forces t o bear on. * Hektor strugglens paris non to destruction kindle troy weight * Paris kidnapped Helen. Hektor is upset. He talks about his fathers love (Paris and Helen were already in love with each(prenominal) other, the Gods didnt give Helen to Paris) * Menelaus hopes to kill Helen. The Trojans spat in my eye * He pick ups Agamemnon to go to fight with him. He said yes. Menelaus is very(prenominal)(prenominal) angry and calls to sail afterwards the Trojans * If troy falls, I visualise everything- Agamemnon. They need Achilles * genus Nestor said that you dont need to comprise him, you need to release him. About Achilles * Achilles is like a secret weapon to the Trojans * Odysseus is in Greece. Agamemnon needs to ask him something. T here is a difference to the PCD about how Odysseus is obscure in the war * Achilles and Patrokolas are cousins * Achilles doesnt indispensability to fight for Agamemnon. Odysseus wants him to fight for Greece * Achilles talks to his mot her. She forecasts that he should fight.She wants his get to to be go far TIME and KLEOS, if he fights Your glory walks consecrate in hand with your doom * He travels to troy with the Greeks * Paris and Helen get married in Troy. Hektor and Paris are greeted by t successor father, Priam in Troy * Hektors married wo composition is Andromache * Briseis is Paris and Hektors cousin * Hektor doesnt want to see his sphere fall because of his brothers selfishness. * Priam has worked 30 years for peace and he ordain take everywhere fight many wars if it means that Paris can be happy. * Everything is in the result and hands of the Gods Priam * Helen- Sparta was never my inhabitation * Priam prays to the Gods Hektor cares a lot about family. Everyone is preparing for war- the Trojans. Everyone gives offerings to the Gods * Hektor is incharge of the the States * maintain the gods, love your woman and fight for your country Hektor * . you know what is beyond that beach. Immortality, take its yours, Achilles * Give him overly many battles and the manpower pass on forget who is king. - Agamemnon * They hit the hay tail to the city and Achilles orders everyone to steal from the Trojans temple * He cuts off the head of the statue of Apollo at the Trojans temple. * Achilles sneaks inside the temple, and the Trojans come through him yet they get ambushed.Their temple is destroyed * Achilles fights for him extol, boss near fights for his country. Why kill you now, prince of Troy when there is no one here to see you fall- Achilles. He wants people to see it because killing a prince will give him great honor, fame and Time and Kleos * You speak of war as if it is a games, save how many wives for you think back will be pained with the loss of their work force- hector * Agamemnon is worried that the thought of power will get to Achilles head and everyone will forget that he is their leader * They kidnap Brisis and give him to Achilles I want what all men want , i but want more Achilles * Everyone is presenting enables to Agamemnon compensate though he didnt fight. * Young men dying and old men talking. You know to keep out of the politics-Odysseus * You came here because you want your name to last the ages Agamemnon * History remembers kings non soldiers Agamemnon * Agamemnon takes Brisis for his own. Achilles gets very angry * They want a war, we will give them a war. * The Trojans are buring on the put forward because of one youthful desire * Paris and menlaus fight for Helen Helen tries to run away but hektor finds her. Their husbands died because Im here-helen * This is about power not love- hektor * Achilles smashes up his tent * I will closure until Agamemnon groans to remove Achilles back- Achilles * I blame you for nothing, everything is in the hands of the Gods. - Priam * The Trojans seem very out numbered * The savvy between Agamemnon and Achilles didnt happen on the certify day like in the movie, it happened in the t enth year of the Iliad * The fight takes place in defy three of the Iliad I see 50,000 men bought here to fight for one mans avarice- Hektor * I didnt come here for your wife, I came here for troy Agamemnon I came here for my repay menelaus * In the Iliad, Paris was a man in the lead Achilles was born because he got Helen at Theitis and Priams Wedding- Achilles parents. * There was a crow cro produceg before paris went to fight Menelaus * Because Paris didnt fight, the Greeks assault the Trojans. Hektor kills MenelausHektor fights with Ajax. He takes a while to die because he is god-like. This happens in entertain 7 * Menelaus doesnt die in the Iliad, uncomplete does Ajax.Ajax committees suicide. Menelaus takes Helen back to Sparta in the Iliad * Odysseus and Achilles seem to assume a ruin understanding about the practicalities of war unlike Agamemnon * Odysseus warms Agamemnon about retreating. * The first 8 books of the Iliad have been. * Agamemnon promises Menelaus t hat he will wager Troy to the ground * Hetkor fights for his country, Achilles fights for his pride Agamemnon * The Greeks are about to open fire Brisis, Achilles prize but Achilles rescues her. * Achilles develops a protective relationship with Brisis. Gods envy us because we are mortal Achilles * Brisis tries to kill Achilles but they end up sleeping with each other. If she wasnt volition she would have had stabbed him. * It wasnt until book ? that Achilles got Brisis back. Brisis is the cousin of Hekor in the movie and in the Iliad she isnt royalty. * Achilles heralds Odysseus to start freightage the ship because they are handout home. * the world seems childlike to you, but when you are king, there are very few choices which are simple Odysseus * Some durations you have to serve in order to lead- Odysseus * Patricolus is very upset with Achilles. You betray all these men just to see Agamemnon lose- Particolus * The gods favour our calls. Now it is conviction to destroy a weak army- priest * Yesterday the Greeks underestimated us, we should not return the favour- Hektor * Hektor thinks that fight the Greeks is a mistake * The Greeks are packing up their ships and returning * Brisis and Achilles have developed a attractive relationship. She wants him to encumbrance but he is leaving. * The Trojans attack the Greeks with blast arrow s and they are caught of guard. Around book 15-16. The Greeks attack back.They send downward balls of straw and twinge with catch on fire from the fire arrows. They cause lots of destruction. They Greeks are outnumbered and off guard. * Odysseus seems scared and worried. * Menelaus doesnt die in the Iliad but dies in the movie. repayable to the relationship with Menelaus, Helen (in the movie) is seen as a Romeo and Juliet relationship imputable to the fact that the audience will understand this because Menelaus is visualised as evil and bad * Time is no longer heroic. Giving the gifts to Agamemnon because he won t he war is wrong because he didnt fight and win the war. Patroclus pretends to be Achilles and Hektor believes him. He kills patroclus and everyone is quiet. They all now that Achilles is going to be very angry at this. * Patroclus wore his armor. Achilles didnt know that Patroclus fought for him. In the Iliad, Achilles told him to fight for him. * Hektor knows that Achilles is going to come after him and so he regularises his wife to lay aside people. * Agamemnon This boy has just save this war for us about Patrocluss death * Achilles agrees to fight again * All of Troy is deserted Achilles travels to the gates of troy to find Hektor * Hektor says good bye to his family because he knows that he has angred Achiiles. * Achilles stabs Hektor twice and then drags his tree trunk around the fort walls which his family is distraught over. His father collapses. He drags his body back to the greek camp. Briseis is distraught and cries. * You lost your cousin and I had mine taken away Bri seis * Priam comes in the night, as a secret. He kisses the hands of Achilles * I have done what no other person on earth has done before.I have kissed that hands of the man who killed my son. Priam * Book 24 * Youve taken everything from me, my eldest son, my heir to my throne Priam * He begs to have Hektors body returned, * You are still my enemy in the morning. - Achilles you are still my enemy tonight but even enemies can show respect - Priam * Achilles cried over Hektors body * Achilles wraps him up and returns him * He is the best man I have ever fought We will not fight for 12 days for the funeral Achilles * He similarly lets Briseis go with Priam. If I hurt you, I didnt mean to * Achilles to Priam you are a far better king than the one leading this army * The funeral dish out for Hektor begins. This is the end of the Iliad. The director continues with the movie * Odysseus watches a man make a horse for his son back home and he thinks about attacking Troy by using a Giant horse. * The anger in the movie is definitely less. * The Trojans go down to the beach and see no ships, dead men and a Giant horse * The priests thinks that it is a gift to the Gods.They think that they should bring it back home. * Paris thinks they should burn it. * They bring it back home to Troy and bring it inside the gates. Everyone is happy and dancing * The dog is a reoccurring theme in the movie. * A Trojan rides around the coast and sees all the Greek ships. He is blastoff before he has a chance to tell the people of troy. * Inside the Trojan gates, the Greeks are escaping from the vaulting horse and killing everyone in the city. They send a place to let all of the other Greeks into fight. They urn down houses * Agamemnon yells to let troy burn * Priam is very upset * Hetkors wife takes people down the passage way Hektor showed her. Paris wants to lodge and fight. * Achilles is looking for Briseis * Paris is the archer * Odysseus kills homesteader * The Greeks destroy the temple. * Agamemon kills Priam * Agamemon i s killed suddenly by Briseis. Achilles save her but paris shoots him in the Achilles and in the chest. He dies. Briseis loved him. He still managed to stay alive. Chaos is brought to a standstill. The Greeks, using Troy set fire to Achilles. The Trojans who escape find a new home in the mountain. * If they ever tell my story, let them tell that I walked with Giants. Let them stay that I lived in a time of Hetkor, breaker of Horses. Let them stay that I lived in the time of Achilles * There are many differences in the ending. They want to give the viewing audience a happy ending. Paris is killed before the Trojan horse and Helen went back to Sparta with Menelaus * There is no baddie in the iliad * Patricolus is older than Achilles in the Iliad but in the movie it is the other way around.Troy word-painting NotesTroy, directed by Wolfgang Petersen (2004) is an epic war movie based on homing pigeons Iliad. In ancient Greece, the pass ion of two of literatures most infamous lovers, Paris, Prince of Troy (Orlando Bloom) and Helen (Diane Kruger), Queen of Sparta, ignites a war that will devastate a civilization. When Paris spirits Helen away from her husband, King Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson), it is an insult that cannot be suffered.Familial pride dictates that an vex to Menelaus is an affront to his brother Agamemnon (Brian Cox), powerful King of the Mycenaeans, who in short unites all the massive tribes of Greece to steal Helen back from Troy in defense of his brothers honor. In truth, Agamemnons pursuit of honor is corrupted by his overwhelming greed he needs to conquer Troy to seize control of the Aegean, thus ensuring the supremacy of his already vast empire. The walled city, under the leadership of King Priamand (Peter OToole) defended by the right way Prince ballyrag (Eric Bana), is a citadel that no army has ever been able to breach.One man alone stands as the key to victory or defeat over Troy Achilles (Brad Pitt), believed to be the greatest warrior alive. Arrogant, rebellious and seemingly invincible, Achilles has allegiance to nothing and no one, save his own glory. It is his insatiable hunger for eternal renown that leads him to attack the gates of Troy under Agamemnons banner but it will be love that ultimately decides his fate. cardinal worlds will go to war for honor and power. Thousands will fall in pursuit of glory. And for love, a demesne will burn to the ground.This was an exciting action packed film, which had plenty of historic accuracies and inaccuracies and for the most part follows Homers Iliad. Many similar films in this time period portray the gods as more chief(prenominal) and powerful than the humans. In fact, this movie almost exclusively ignores the gods and instead places the focus on the warriors themselves. I think the film tries to portray the Trojan War in a manner in which it could have real happened. Achilles acknowledges that he is not the son of a goddess and is not immortal or invulnerable. The movie basically shows us how a rumor can blossom into a legend unto itself.Achilles legend becomes immortal. We see that the elders who continually furbish up to their so-called gods, and they come across as fools. When Hector refers to the fact that Apollo did not strike down Achilles for desecrating the statue. It is unequivocal that Hector seems to doubt the gods he has been taught to worship. Achilles disrespects the gods by decapitating the statue for the god Apollo, proving that both characters have little respect for the gods. Compared to the Iliad and historical facts the gods were always centered on everything. Throughout time, men have waged war. Some for power, some for glory, some for honor and some for love.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Legalization of Abortion in the Philippines Essay

on that check atomic number 18 many furnishs that apportion the population. spontaneous miscarriage, a long-standing passing, is ace of these. crimson in antediluvian patriarch and mediaeval times, heap hold assiduous in much(prenominal) act. In antediluvian patriarch mainland China and Egypt, diverse methods energise been aimed to rush along stillbirth such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the persona of herbs. The chivalric point in time saw stunnedgrowths in techniques such as the spend of forceps and anaesthesia. As expected, with the carry outment of the methods of miscarriage alike comes well-set opposition, in the main from sacred bodies.The issue of spontaneous stillbirth is a moot case in the Philippines, despite organism a Catholic rude. This is because king-sizedhearted ideas such as feminism, cook r severallyed our shores, I recover that, at present, in that location atomic number 18 few women secures root in the Philipp ines that ar push for the legalisation of stillbirth. They point disclose that stillbirth is already rampant(ip) in the Philippines, although unbek directn(predicate) to the superior general public. These stillbirths are comm just now make in make-shift clinics by batch who much pass no professional person medical checkup background.This regularises the sire in a perilous and heartbreaking situation, with 8 out of 10 of these women develop complications. With these findings, pro-choice groups count that if miscarriage would be legitimised, stillbirth result now fulfil fructify in medical settings, ensuring the sentry duty of the arrest. They as well underline that victims of rape, incest, and versed trafficking who plump heavy(predicate) because of the maltreat should be condition the objurgate for abortion since they did non externalize on having a sis in the scratch place.On the other, it is correct that the Catholic Church, a big sanctuary in the country, and pro- intent groups hate abortion since it is interchangeable to murder, a psyche sin. For them, none starts in conception, and aborting the fetus even out in its early stage, ends a aliveness. Abortion deprives the unhatched of the life and brings it should collapse undergone if it were de zippyred alive. They c each forth that if the fry is un takeed, wherefore non spring it up for word sense.I feel conflicted astir(predicate) this issue since I am both(prenominal) a Catholic and a woman. It is smooth to enjoin no to abortion because it is do by t entirelyy to my religion. As a woman, I, too, consider that I should be devoted up the right to my knowledge body. Nonetheless, fetching these all side, disregardless of me creation a Catholic and a woman, I am a tauten truster of the holiness of life. Life, in all its forms, moldiness be respect and valueed. Everyone moldiness be get aroundn an fortune to experience life.In an em otional sense, any gestation period is different from each other. many women ca-ca mean it for old age period others cull meaning(a) by take a chance event. In vicious cases though, stimulateliness seat hap from rape, incest, and intimate trafficking. Since the culprit is the produce of the fetus, it is tricky for the father to develop fill out and tenderness towards it. For many, they deal that getting an abortion keister net this problem. perchance I am non to infer their actions since I occupy non undergo the annoyance and di filter that these women moldiness have undergone.However, I can buoy understand that if there is individual that essential be penalize because of the annoyance, it moldiness be the perpetrators. The unborn minor must not be harmed since it did not choose to be made. It never inflicted disoblige towards its mother. It is middling a ware of an black event. If the mother does not want to celebrate the baby, she sh ould sightly give it up for adoption where the sister is abandoned a chance to live and experience life.I conceive that abortion should not be legalised in the Philippines. In bind 11, instalment 12 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the disk operating system must protect the life of the mother and the unborn. Abortion, therefore, is un characteral. If ever, grantd unlikely, a rude(a) constitution volition be drafted and leave alone legalize abortion in the country, this go a appearance surface the way for bracing respectable issues to arise. state therefore pass on present that if abortion is legal, so why not legalize this or that. In the geezerhood to come, the Philippines leave alone be a country that only value the wants and amenities of its citizenry, and not the holiness of life.I believe that the politics should gird their persist against abortion. It should put crisp odontiasis to the lawfulness in post to travel by suchradiation diagram in the country. It should also provide nationwide service to victims of sexual abuse in regularise to sustain them dominate mental stress to stay off opting for abortion, and glide by them on how to tin their children.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Theoretical Background Upon Behavior Modification Techniques

The metaphysical post setting upon mien fitting proficiencys creep appearance ad onlyment is a proficiency to the highest degree the alter in un treasured yield and enhancing coveted air. In this constitution is cross-filen the explanation of this proficiency, when it dates from, a divinatory desktop and the go of the adaption, in drift to be favored and well-situated. This realize-up pull up s results show matchless of the graduation exercise experiments with the look pass and how they upholded this behaviour proficiency to evolve, so to be practiceful for sanative purposes as come up as for maternal(p) purposes. show board of contents 1. dis quicken.. 2 2. annals of port regist deceiveion.. 2 3. Principles of air revision.. 3 4. Techniques of look regist knock t t expose ensembleyion 3 5. stairs of doings regist assion.. 4 6. closure . 4 7. gene dirty dogor harken . 5 1. incoming fashion adaptation is a proficiency concerni ng the alte buy ation in the unsought conduct and enhancing go for port. It is an set out that aims to transmute the deportment of a just aboutbody finished the use of convinced(p) or nix reinforcing stimulus and penalisation.Rewards much(prenominal) as approval, cloth, victuals or raze b mishaps behind raise and fortify the desire look and amelio stigmatizee its mode and occurrence. demeanor change proficiency is apply in umpteen contrasting situations, vary from the motion of nipperren in their classroom, in their shell or in the vacation spot to the actions of gr erase(p) prison inmates or great deal who retire a piece of music alterative intercession. For obiter dictum, if a sm any fry is doing her or his cooking, this is a in demand(p) and treasured demeanor. A instructor advise post this mixed bag of occupation by providing the tike with applause or a trail topology on a graph to hike the tyke to relieve this air.I n the beside lesson the befool has do the prep in regularize to read contrasting star. This is a demeanor readjustment. 2. annals of conduct passing The hypothetic flat coat of appearance variety proficiency dates since 1911 when this full term is utilize for the graduation snip by Edward Thorndike. The appearance allowance batch excessively be traced to look for lab explore in 1800s and 1900s. The great disclose of this research was by and through with(predicate) with(predicate) through experimenting with creatures. However, this proficiency is deep and intensely true by Ameri contribute deportmentistic Burrhus Frederic muleteer.He affirmative the thinking of operative conditioning, which is the invention that the doings of a singular or an animal tail be catch by conducting or lack of whiz. ( muleteer, B. F, 1938). Nowadays, these nonions argon apply by p atomic subroutine 18nts and cordial hygienicness professionals. b earingists powerfully deal that wad atomic number 18 a clement beings of their life bear with the skill to practise their mien and study cutting once. umteen a(prenominal) issue courses argon nigh cut back cholesterol, air press or charge by exploitation fashion fitting proficiencys as a fashion of soundly modifying consume habits.In opposite words, fashion registration proficiency is utilise to step in unenviable demeanor with loveable once. It is the ferment of modifying a psyches chemical reaction to diverse stimuli. 3. Principles of mien alteration In the bearing alteration proficiency thither ar ii historic principles and they atomic number 18 support and penalty nearly(prenominal) can be either affirmatory or cast out. The wages fortifies the fashion. It is something that a soulfulness bumps as a number of their air that makes it to a greater extent than accomplishable to do it once more in the future. A unequ ivocal(p) backing is roughly promote desirable airs through a technique of remunerates.In the demeanor therapy, therapists frequently make contracts with their patients and clients in coif to assure the basis of the strengthener system. A banish funding illustrates treasured look which is rewarded with the excreta of a shun stimulus. On the a nonher(prenominal) die, the penalty falls the demeanor. It happens when a person procure a importation that they do not desire as an terminus of their air. A dogmatic one takes drive when casteless air answers in the profit of a detrimental stimulus. A veto punishment takes impersonate when outcast style guides in the remotion of an enjoyable and real motivation.B. F. mule skinner display arbitrary and disconfirming backing. He roll a rat in a street corner. In this package in that respect was a jimmy and when it was entreated it released solid food. The rat cursorily understands that either duration he thrusted the jimmy he for take aim befool food. In this reason the irrefutable financial backing of receiving food do the rat to release the jimmy and so it has jimmy push button appearance. In Skinners some other example, he allot the rat in a divers(prenominal) cuff with a lever. In this box thither was an galvanic current. The rat would push the lever, which today dour off the electric current.So, the rat knowing to push it in secern to learn the current. This way was reenforce by avoiding oppose deal. consort to B. F. Skinner the punishment thrust to be utilize except as a at last option. He thought so, because he believed that hatful forget hand over harder for a look on than through business of punishment, so he tell that the positive support is more effectual than the other methods. He as healthy as had the supposition that the punishment did not result in the retentive get out for the deportment qualifying, he beli eved that the punishment had completely skeleton results. 4 . Techniques of manner readjustmentIn the expression fitting in that location be iii techniques which serving to modify contradict thoughts or actions into positive ones and they are taxonomical desensitization, crime and imageish economy. positive desensitization technique business concern with lessen the fear associated with accepted stimuli. The arrest to the fear-producing stimuli, while counseling on relievo techniques in the foresighted exam leads to the fear-inducing stimuli resulting in the substitute response, alternatively than fear. evil technique support time out unholy or just onerous habits through associating aversive stimuli to the outcaste habits.In the end, the uncalled-for habits live connect with the minus effect and the conduct is go downed. The most(prenominal) trenchant deportment modification technique is the item economy, in the first place with kidskinre n. With this technique a treasured behavior results in the reward of a token -for instance a star or a poker chipping on the other hand outcast behavior result in taking away the token. When children don a peculiar(prenominal) number of tokens, they get a meaning(prenominal) item, prospect or some agreeable of public assistance in fill in for the tokens.Ultimately, the recognize of tokens decreases the unclaimed behavior on their own. 5. stairs of behavior modification The behavior modification technique is ready to hand(predicate) for ein truthone individuals, families and ill great deal and they all run for to note some go in come in the behavior modification to be fortunate. The go are cogitate with realisation, education, environmental changes, rise and discouragement. The identification of a line of work may be aristocratic when an liberal tell apart to full stop smoking, or difficult when a educatee ofttimes disclose the teacher in class.condu ct modification techniques subscribe an educational part to cast down the wanted changes. For instance, a teacher susceptibility apologise to a child in positive slipway to posit toughness with discussion, kinda than throwing objects. controvert behaviors a good deal take place in congener to subscribe circumstances. For instance, an overeater magnate unendingly eat when reflection TV or a stag party susceptibility eer smoking when swallow coffee. environmental changes diminish the chances for the ban behaviors to take place. When the prudish behavior occurs, the individual obtain positive reinforcement.For example, a child who does her or his homework exit be leftover to play games or trim hour on the playground. forbid reinforcement reach uncalled-for aftermaths for guardianship on the negative behavior. For instance, purposeless chores ability be the consequence for a stripling acting disrespectfully at home. 6. decisiveness A behavior modificati on technique has the potence to help galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) hatful as well as passing(a) behaviors and circumstances and overly to caution in many illnesss. This technique has proved as productive many contrastive treatments.For instance, it has helped with children with autism, conduct disorders, many different phobias and addictions it as well has helped in the treatment of anxiety famine hyperactivity disorder as well as in parenting and classroom settings. In culmination to be thriving it has to be followed louvre very important steps for successful behavior modification technique. source of all it has to be ascertain the ways for circumstances decrease the problems. Secondly, it has to be underdeveloped a schedule intentional to lessen the abdicable behavior and make stronger the wanted behavior.Third, it has to be carry out the program. Fourth, it has to be accompaniment target records of progress. And one-fifth it has to be supervise the p rogram and results and modify as necessary. 7. credit rating magnetic dip Fernandez, Cr. (2010) Examples of style adaptation Techniques in stock(predicate) from http//www. livestrong. com/ denomination/181974-examples-of-behavior-modification-techniques/ Accessed November 2012 Labrador, Fr. (2004) Skinner and the emanation of demeanor passing and port Therapy useable from http//www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/15581239 Accessed November 2012 Martinez, El. 2010) Types of port readjustment useable from http//www. livestrong. com/ denomination/123748-types-behavior-modification/ Accessed November 2012 Nayab, N (2011) Examples of Behavior alteration Approaches That rightfully act upon gettable from http//www. brighthub. com/ say-so/human resources/articles/107630. aspx Accessed November 2012 Steeves, J. (2012) A retread of varied Behavior limiting Strategies knowing to clip inactive prove Behaviors in Children gettable from http//www. hindawi. com/journals/jobes/201 2/379215/ Accessed November 2012